Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Contact Page | With Sending Emails PHP - Using PHPMalier - PHP & Javascript


In this tutorial, you can learn how to develop a PHP contact page (contact form) to send emails (messages) using PHPMailer. This email sending contact page is tested on both localhost and Live Host Server and It's 100% Working.

If you getting any error alert like below when you run this on a live host server. There can be multiple reasons for that. If you are running this on a live host, you have to use the necessary settings in your host service. Because the settings of the host services are different from one to another. Read this.

"SMTP Error: Could not authenticate."
"SMTP Error: Could Not Connect to SMTP Host"

If you get these errors when you try on a live host. This might be helpful.

In your host > go to cpanel > Email Accounts > Webmail > Configure Mail Client

Then you can find Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended).
From that settings use settings below.

● Username (Web Email Address)
● Password (Web email Password)
● Outgoing Server
       Host can be /
       SMTP Port: Can be 465/587

*you can use a Gmail or any email address to receive emails.

After you change codings it can be look like below.

$mail->Host = ''; // Can be
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Username = ''; // Your host email account which you want to use as SMTP server
$mail->Password = 'host email password'; // host email account password
$mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; // Can be tls
$mail->Port = 465; // Can be 587

$mail->setFrom(''); // Your host email account which you used as SMTP server
$mail->addAddress(''); // Email Address where you want to receive emails (You can use any other email address to receive emails)

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  1. Nice, But I get confuse how to get the code into my own php custom email sender

    1. That's exactly what I was looking for. It seems pretty nice in these tutorials but when it comes to take it into your own project, things get messed up.

  2. SMTP connect() failed.
    i am geting this error when i upload on server and submit the form

  3. 504 Gateway Time-out whats the reson behind this, give me quick answer

  4. Thank you so much working absolutely fine first got error of Authenticate issue when i allowed Less secure apps Link On then completed the task thank you so much

  5. How to fix this Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\my_project\phpmailer\SMTP.php on line 1227


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