Hello everyone! In this video, you are going to learn how to design an attractive pagination simply and easily for a website using HTML and CSS. First lets see what is pagination. Pagination is used in divided and display those data on multiple pages within a one page. Pagination can be handled on both client side or server side.
As you can see in this video lets see how to design this pagination design. First create the index.html file and style.css file. Then link the font awesome libraries in between the <head></head> tags and write the HTML part of the pagination IU in the index.html file. When the HTML part is done as you can see in the video. link the style.css file in between <head></head> tags and start to write styles on style.css file. In the style.css file first in the body justify and align all the items to the center. Then write styles to the pagination UI as you can see in the video. So that's it, hope this video will be helpful when you design a website with pagination.
All the source codes and source files and available to download from here. Use the download button or copy and paste the code from the text editors. My opinion is first try to do it by following the video line by line. It will help you to understand all of it. After that, if your code is wrong or not working use the given source codes to compare with your code. It will help you to understand all of your mistakes.